1.3 Auto Bank (Bank Payment File)

1.3 Auto Bank (Bank Payment File)

The Auto Bank feature allows you to generate auto bank file/diskette for payout items such as Salary, EPF, SOCSO and etc to your company bank. In order to use our Auto Bank feature, you will need to create the auto bank format/diskette. You may follow the steps below to create the auto bank:

Step 1: Payroll -> General -> Bank Payment File

Click payment file setting to enter into creation of Bank payment file. 

Step 2:  In the Bank Payment File Setting Wizard page, click on 'Create' button.

Step 3: After clicking 'Create' button, follow the steps below for Step3
  1. Auto Bank Diskette Name. Each Auto Bank Diskette Setup is only used to pay one item (For e.g., Salary and EPF shall have 2 Auto Bank Setup)
  2. If you would like to allow other admin user to see this Auto Bank Setup, click on the 'Shared?' checkbox
  3. Select the pay item that you would like for this particular Auto Bank
  4. Once completed, click on 'Next Step'

Step 4: In Step 4 of the Bank Payment File Setting Wizard, you will need to select the Payment File type and which company is involved in this Auto Bank Diskette payout.
  1. Firstly, you will need to select which company shall be included in this Auto Bank. (Note: Please be reminded that if you would like to do consolidated Auto Bank Diskette for more than one company, you will need to do Advanced Search to include the desired company before you generate the Auto Bank Diskette. You may also tick on 'Shared' checkbox to allow other Admin users to use this payment file.)
  2. Select the payment File type from the drop down list
  3. Tick which payment period that you would like to include in this Auto Bank Setup. You may ignore the Bank Group and Maximum Amount Per Diskette as it may not be relevant to your usage. Please do not update Bank Group to a specific bank as that means the payment will only go to employees using that bank.
  4. Once completed this step, you may click on 'Next Step'


Step 5: In Step 5, you will need to key in the information such as payment description. This information is provided by the bank. Once you have filled in the required information, you may click on 'Save' button.

(Note: Different bank payment file will have different information required in Step 5)

Step 6: Once you have completed the Setup for Auto Bank, you may proceed in selecting the Auto Bank Diskette.
  1. Go back to the main screen for Auto Bank, select the Bank payment file type that you have created earlier.
  2. Next, insert the Credit Date for the bank payment file.
  3. (Note: Different bank may have different terminology for Credit Date. Please clarify with your respective bank officer on their terminology for Credit Date)
  4. Select the Payment Period for this bank payment file.
  5. Tick the box for this bank payment file format.
  6. Select the employees to be included in this bank payment file.
  7. You may click on 'Generate Summary' to generate the auto bank summary.


Step 7: System will show you the list of employee(s) that will be included in this Bank payment file based on your selections. This allow you to verify on the list of employee(s) for payout before you generate the bank payment file. Once you have verified the result, you may click on 'Download Diskette' button. If you would like the system to generate the Cover Letter for Auto bank, you may click on the 'Show Report Panel' button.

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