1.11 Attendance - Compulsory Working Day

1.11 Attendance - Compulsory Working Day

Our system has a new feature called 'Compulsory Working Day on Other Day Type' where the administrator/supervisor can set working day on All Day Type except Normal Working Day as a compulsory working day.

There are two places which you can set that particular day as compulsory working day:

1) Employee Custom Day Entry

In the employee custom day entry screen, you will need to tick on the 'Compulsory' checkbox to indicate that it is a compulsory working day for the dates that has been selected in the Custom Day Entry.

2) GPS Duty Roster

In the GPS Duty Roster tab, you may tick on the day that you would like to set as compulsory working day, and tick on the 'Compulsory Working Day' checkbox to indicate as compulsory working day.

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