1.1.1 Salary Entry Screen

1.1.1 Salary Entry Screen

Step 1,2 $ 3:  Payroll -> General -> Employee list

Step 4: You will need to select an employee record and click on the 'Salary' () button. 

This is how it looks like in the Salary Entry screen.

 Basic Salary

Basic salary of employee for the month 

All allowances that employee earn will be listed down here. 
 Adding and Deleting Allowances

You can Add or Delete Allowance here. To add a new Allowance type, just choose from the drop down list and click 'Add New' 

All type of OT will be display here. The total earning of OT for the employee will be display on the first row in orange color.


If you make any changes in this screen, click 'Recalculate' button so that system will recalculate the salary wages for this employee based on the new information that you key in. 


Click this Save button if you want to save the changes that you made. 


Click the Close button to close this screen without saving any changes. 


 On the right side of Salary Entry Screen, all elements of deductions are listed down here. 

This table display the Rate and Unit of NPL for employee for this month. 


This table will list down all Deductions (if any) 

 Adding and Deleting Deductions

You can Add or Delete any Deductions here. To add a Deduction for this employee, choose from drop down list, then click the 'Add New' button.

 Statutory Deductions

This table shows all statutory deductions of the employee. If you want to know the details calculation of each statutory deduction, just click on the it. For example, click on 'Tax' to show how the tax amount was being calculated. 

 Audit Trail

It shows the record of Last Modified person and time. If you want to view the detail, click on the 'Audit Trail'.

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